august trips

my original intention with this solo project was to do a single release and build tracks into an album. however, as i have been experimenting with various styles it would seem a bit more sensible to continue releasing singles until i come to rest with a consistent sound that warrants an album project.

not only that, but seeing as i am a small (almost microscopic) artist, i need to find like minded listeners more than i need to punt an album out into the cloud. creating and sharing the tunes is what it’s all about.

with that in mind, my next track will be more dub/electronica oriented (dubtronica?). the aim is to create some trippy, bassy, groovy stuff crossed with fizzy synths and sticky funky beats – if you can imagine that.

i am also searching for some interesting sounds to stick behind it – at the moment, this means poring over ebay for some retro games that squawk wildly whilst flashing plastic lights as only the 80s knew how. watch this space to see how that turns out!

so apart from scoping out the raw elements for such a track, i have also been on the road a bit (although not in a performance sense). i spent a couple of nights aboard a boat in the middle of a river, which was very calming. the picture below shows the thick, plastic sheen of the river dart at midnight as i listened to a covers band skim all the old favourites across it.

after that, i popped up to edinburgh for a bit of the festival. here, i dined finely at the ship on the shore (seared scallops!) and the reverie (proper chips!). i took in a few comedy shows from martin mor, ursula burns (wtf?), owen o’neill, nick revell and frank skinner, plus a wordy but perfectly enunciated performance of in juvenalia by simon callow.

the pick of the bunch, though, was hubby’s gig with emma pollock – and once again i found myself listening to uniquely crafted performances whilst laughing to tears at things i really shouldn’t be laughing at. many thanks to maria for guiding this weegie around the city, giving me a place to stay and a breakfast to die for (if it doesn’t kill me!).

then, after a quick bournemouth bbq i was back up to glasgow for a house party. it is only now i am starting to recover …

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